Delivering Real-World Results

We are here to create the very best digital campaigns for your company. Based in Mechanicsburg PA and active countrywide, we translate your voice through strategy, creativity and digital innovation.

We're a team of creative artists, planners, web designers and developers who strive to create digital experiences that people never forget. We dream your story with you, and then breathe it into life.



Delivering Real-World Results

We are here to create the very best digital campaigns for your company. Based in Mechanicsburg PA and active countrywide, we translate your voice through strategy, creativity and digital innovation.

We're a team of creative artists, planners, web designers and developers who strive to create digital experiences that people never forget. We dream your story with you, and then breathe it into life.



The data we use is the highest quality, and it's verified through an independent accuracy audit.



We are constantly striving to be more precise with our information. We use blueprint mapping technology that was created specifically for accuracy, and it's perfect because of its ability pinpoint physical locations.




We use cutting-edge technology and products designed to help you optimize your visit or sales. We're able get an accurate understanding of what encourages consumers' purchase, as well as influence their physical behaviors so that they come into the store more often!

✓ Connected TV Advertising ✓ Contextual Targeting ✓ Mobile Advertising
✓ Desktop Advertising ✓ Creative Services ✓ Weather Targeting
✓ Audience Targeting ✓ Location Targeting ✓ Geofencing Advertising Platform
✓ Cost Per Visit (CPV) ✓ Ads Manager - Location Based ✓ Location SDK
✓ Data Offerings ✓ Insights & Analytics
✓ Connected TV Advertising ✓ Contextual Targeting
✓ Desktop Advertising ✓ Creative Services
✓ Audience Targeting ✓ Location Targeting
✓ Cost Per Visit (CPV) ✓ Ads Manager - Location Based
✓ Data Offerings ✓ Insights & Analytics
✓ Mobile Advertising ✓ Weather Targeting
✓ Geofencing Advertising Platform ✓ Location SDK


Connect With Accuracy

Reach your audience in the moments that matter and when they are most likely to be impacted, such as near or within specific points of interest like stores. Targeting areas geographically can also help you reach more people!

  • Make sure you connect with your audience on a device that they interact with throughout the day and at key moments in their journey.
  • Innovative and dynamic creative solutions that help drive user engagement.
  • Mobile ads are extremely Cost Effective. Hot Frog Print & Media also offers CPV (Cost per Visit) advertising which allows you to only pay only when a mobile ad impression results in an in-store visit.
  • Measurement


Connect With Accuracy

Reach your audience in the moments that matter and when they are most likely to be impacted, such as near or within specific points of interest like stores. Targeting areas geographically can also help you reach more people!

  • Make sure you connect with your audience on a device that they interact with throughout the day and at key moments in their journey.
  • Innovative and dynamic creative solutions that help drive user engagement.
  • Mobile ads are extremely Cost Effective. Hot Frog Print & Media also offers CPV (Cost per Visit) advertising which allows you to only pay only when a mobile ad impression results in an in-store visit.
  • Measurement


Creative Services

We’re the team to call if you want dynamic and innovative creative in your marketing strategies. We have a knack for capturing attention, so we'll make sure that our ads are always top-of-mind when it comes time to engage with customers.

  • Dynamic distance overlay: Dynamic distance overlay (DDO) is dynamically populated text on the ad creative that indicates how far the user is from the nearest business location
  • Custom Web Landing Page
  • GIF animated banners


Creative Services

We’re the team to call if you want dynamic and innovative creative in your marketing strategies. We have a knack for capturing attention, so we'll make sure that our ads are always top-of-mind when it comes time to engage with customers.

  • Dynamic distance overlay: Dynamic distance overlay (DDO) is dynamically populated text on the ad creative that indicates how far the user is from the nearest business location
  • Custom Web Landing Page
  • GIF animated banners


Audience Targeting Platform

By using cutting-edge technology to target your audience, you can engage with the people most likely interested in hearing from you. We take this one step further by delivering hyper-targeted campaigns that are 10x more effective than our competitors' networks - all while being able real time location tracking so we're sure not miss anyone.

  • Audience Targeting is a way for marketers to reach likely consumers with precision and scale based on their past online and offline behaviors, interests, location, and demographic information.
  • Marketers can use this information to create tailored ads and target customers when they are likely to buy a product or use a service. If a customer has filled out a form, visits your website, or is observed inside your brick-and-mortar location, you can also create an audience segment to retarget these customers at a later point in time.


Audience Targeting Platform

By using cutting-edge technology to target your audience, you can engage with the people most likely interested in hearing from you. We take this one step further by delivering hyper-targeted campaigns that are 10x more effective than our competitors' networks - all while being able real time location tracking so we're sure not miss anyone.

  • Audience Targeting is a way for marketers to reach likely consumers with precision and scale based on their past online and offline behaviors, interests, location, and demographic information.
  • Marketers can use this information to create tailored ads and target customers when they are likely to buy a product or use a service. If a customer has filled out a form, visits your website, or is observed inside your brick-and-mortar location, you can also create an audience segment to retarget these customers at a later point in time.
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